Ask A Question
Ask A Question
Have a burning question? Like my writing? This is for you!
Dear Brooke, is like Dear Diary, but I respond to your question in writing (read: email) using your birth chart details, like a mini email reading. I give you context, perspective and a bird's eye view of the landscape for themes like career, love, life lesson, purpose (nodes), major transits and or working with your big three (sun, moon, rising). To use this service, please have a precise question ready.
Please provide your exact birth details in the comments section at checkout, Full name, Date of Birth, Time of Birth and location.
After your purchase this service, I will email you asking for your birth details (exact only), your precise question and a paragraph of background story. Please note this is not your whole birth chart written out. It is ONE question.
Turnaround time is approx. seven business days.