Let's get real, a new initiative to interview mother's who aren't necessarily in the spotlight. Giving them the chance to speak openly and answer questions about motherhood in a real and honest way...Because every mother's story should be heard.
Tell us who is in your beautiful family?
We have a family of three with me, my husband Andrew and our 2.5 year old cheeky daughter Imogen!
Where are you emotionally with motherhood at this moment?
This is such a tricky question, because it is always changing! Currently, I am juggling working part time with running two businesses and feeling like I don't have as much time as I would like to just be with her so I think mum guilt has been playing a large role in how I am feeling emotionally! So probably emotionally tired and a bit guilty but there is always the part of me that knows that being her mum is the greatest gift ever so I try to remain present and connected as much as possible!
The quote “It takes a village” is used quite often. Did you have your own village to support you in the early days?
Yes I definitely had a village, from all over actually! I am very close with my sister (she was actually there for Imogen's birth!) who did and still does play a big role in supporting us. My husband always has my back and sometimes knows me better than I know myself which can be helpful ahah, and I am so blessed to have some absolutely beautiful friends that have always been by my side. Both of our parents have been a huge support as well from advice to helping at home and caring for her when I/We have been ill or needed a break and just plain spoiling her with love. I have also found an incredible amount of support and love in the instagram community too we have been very lucky to have found such an amazing village!
Have you found your tribe today?
Yes! Our tribe has remained mostly the same with some new additions! We live a bit further from our friends and family and my husband works most nights and long shifts so I definitely struggled through the past few years and relied on their support a lot, I am so grateful to have them.
At some point, have you felt like you have lost your identity during your time as a mother? If so, have you carved a new one?
Yes I would say so, after Immy's first year I realised I had been suffering Post Natal Depression and I feel like this plus being a new mum had a big impact on me feeling this way. I think many new mums have that feeling that they aren't anything but 'mum' anymore in those early days, and they are not alone! We eventually found our way, that first year was rough but once she began sleeping better at around 15 months I started to feel much more myself!! This is around when I decided to start Wild December and I think was one of the biggest things that gave me some of me back! It allowed me to be creative again which I had been craving, it made me feel like I was doing something important, something for my family and I that my daughter could be proud of which helped me to find my way to an identity I was also proud of. I think it's better than where I started!
We all struggle with different aspects of motherhood. What is/was your biggest hurdle?
ohhh there was many! But I think my biggest hurdle has been my mental health and not dragging the bad stuff along with me. I still struggle with this too. My introduction to motherhood was tough and I think that held me back and kept me in a place I didn't need to be for a long time. It's hard to let go of something like that because in some ways it defines you and and the way you react and handle situations.
How does society’s portrayal of motherhood across social media and magazines make you feel?
This is a really hard one to answer too because as unhappy as I am about much of the way motherhood can be portrayed (overly curated, looking easy, crazy expectations, putting pressure on 'getting your pre baby body back' etc etc), I can also see so much beauty and truth breaking through too and I guess I try to focus on that the most. I am enjoying the real motherhood stories, birth stories, sharing the struggles and the highs, navigating motherhood together, the support and friendships that social media can foster, normalising breastfeeding, working mums, loving your body that grew your precious children, raising children, gender equality, kindness, acceptance - the list goes on. there are so many posts, photos and discussions happening all the time that makes me feel proud to be a mother and to be a woman.
Describe doing the washing in one word?
Can it be a swear word? hahaha
Are you a working mum?
I am! I was fortunate enough to stay home with my daughter for almost two years while working at home with Wild December however I currently work part-time as a Customer Service and Warehouse Manager for a women's designer label called Joslin Studio, as well as running Wild December Collective and my photography business! I have my hands full haha.
What’s something you wish someone told you about becoming a mother, that you would have helped you immensely?
Lean in. I wish I had more conversations about that, giving over and just being where you need to be because you really can't be anywhere else. I'm sure someone told me but I wish I had made it more of a discussion and a priority and understood what that really meant. I feel like I fought motherhood a bit when I became a mum, I loved my daughter and I did everything I could for her but I was scared and stressed and tired (as new mums tend to be!) and I wish I had have just given over a little bit more. I didn't expect to be a mum yet I suppose, and then I started going into labour early and had a 36 week screaming babe and I didn't really know what to do! You just don't know what's going to happen and leaning in and riding the wave and giving over to the moment is the best thing you can do.
Lastly, as this is an Astrology blog! What signs are in the family?
I am a pretty true Aquarius, My husband is a Libra and Immy is a Capricorn!
Thank you for sharing your story Samantha